Saturday, May 28, 2011


Comment on my mom's blog, after she posted a picture of a Japanese pagoda she saw in Brussels:

If Bruce Lee movies have taught me anything (and I like to think that they have) it is that if you would have ventured into that Japanese style pagoda you would have been confronted by fighters of increasing skill on each successive floor, whom you would have had to beat to advance to the next floor. If you were able to make it to the top floor you would have found Kareem Abdul Jabaar patiently waiting for the day a formidable adversary finally makes it to the top floor. True story. I don't know how he can be at the top of every Japanese pagoda, but I feel like he is. Perhaps someday we will plan a coordinated ascension of two different pagoda's to test the theory (family reunion anyone?). It will however require months of training before hand, and Wane's intricate knowledge of the 5 on 2 technique

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Ha! HA! I would like to be a bystander for said training and family reunion.
