Monday, January 23, 2012


Brad holds up his hand and says, in a deep voice, "Hi.". Pause. "oh, wait, it's how." I laugh. Brad responds, "yeah, yesterday I thought Tommy Lee Jones was Bob Dole." I think the old age is catching up with him!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

at the hospital

I thought I had kidney stones and so we went to the emergency room:

me:  "do you think I'll be admitted?"

Brad: "No.  Committed maybe."

Chinese Food

"I think our car may be Chinese, not Japanese.  This take-out box fits perfectly in these square cup holders!"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

little miss muffett

little bo peep had lots of sheep, 
as white as curds and whey,
along came a Schneiter,
and sat down beside her,
and talked her ear away.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Grand Cayman is a British territory and as such, the drivers drive on the left.  While we were in GC, Brad kept turning on his windshield wipers instead of his turn signal when we was about to turn.  He said:

"The other day i tried to indicate a left turn with my windshield wipers and someone honked at me. I dont think the windshield wipers have the same meaning here in the states. In Cayman it means, this person may turn into on-coming trafic so watch out."