Friday, April 22, 2011

Conversation at Panera

Alex: "I assume he's talking about a strip club"

Brad: "no, I was just talking about the YMCA or something. It's the only place where it's acceptable for a bunch of men to walk around naked together"


"Everybody knows that names that end in e are feminine. Damn it, Bradley."

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Grandpa Joe

"I think I might turn in to Grandpa Joe.  I think I'll just stay in bed.  Until one day... I'll burst from the bed.  With vibrant color and show."

Monday, April 11, 2011


Me: "I don't think I'm much if a quitter."

B: "You may not be much of a quitter but you're not really much of a starter either!"


Me: "remember how you said I am..."

B: "your own best friend?"

Not quite what I was looking for!

from my sister's blog

The picture

The caption:  Some pansies in front of the Parliament.

B's comment:  Graham, how can you let your wife call you a pansey like that? That's messed up Kendal. Those are cool flowers though, what are they, tulips?

Sunday, April 10, 2011


While watching Ultimate Cake Off, and after the contestant had just said the judges would rip him a new one:

"Is he crying? There's no crying in cake-off. Tom Hanks would rip him a new one."

Friday, April 8, 2011

After watching a new Southwest commercial B added : "and now all airplanes come with sunroofs".

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In the past...

K:  "Honey, I need a new craft."

B:  "Why don't you craft yourself a clean house.  You could vacuum designs in the carpet."