Monday, November 19, 2012


Brad sent this to me today.  I must admit, I can see this happening.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


While watching Bones, the main character started to cry.  I started to cry too.

B: Why are you crying?
K: I don't know
B: But you figured since she's crying there must be something to cry about?


Me: I can't get up, I'm like an abdominal snowman
B: I think you are more snowman than abdominal

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I have a cold sore and brad wanted to make sure he didn't drink from a contaminated water source. Subtle.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


What do you call a cow with 2 legs?

Lean beef!

What do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground beef!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


While rinsing our dogs at the dog park, B said "oh no, that hose looks like treble."

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Did you hear, about a month ago they dug up Mozart's grave? When they opened up the casket they found him with a bunch of sheet music and he was erasing the notes. So the people said, "Mozart, what are you doing?"
And Mozart said "I'm decomposing!"

Yeah, Brad was full of good jokes tonight!


On the way home from church, I was feeling pretty upset and overwhelmed. I made Brad stop and get me a coke. About half-way home, I broke down and started crying.

He didn't say a word, he picked up my coke and put the straw in my mouth!

It worked like a charm!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Tower

I posted some pics of our trip to Austin, including one of Brad standing in front of a building called 'the Tower'.

His comment:

I thought we discussed that 'The Tower' was only a nick name we would use in private.

Part dog

I posted a thing about loving dogs on our family blog.  

Brad's comment:

I am 30% dog heart, the water in the toilet looks better and better everyday.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Me: I can't help it if you're emotionally retarded

B: I think you're confusing emotional retardedness with emotional stability.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


We were on a trip with our friends. I texted Shandi to tell her we were up and ready for the day. Alex texted me back and said she just got in the shower.

Me: but, that was 7 minutes ago, she's probably done now

B: you, obviously, and not familiar withy the bathing habits of women. In 7 minutes, she may have stopped just standing under the hot water. Maybe she's gotten her hair wet.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Me: do all big airplanes open in front Brad: no, (and then he said one I can't remember) and the Spruce Moose probably did. Me: seriously? The Spruce Moose? It's the Spruce Goose. Brad: why would it be goose? It was made in Canada on the Hudson Bay. Canadians love Moose. He wasn't kidding.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wailing Wall

The whaling wall does look disappointing. I don't see any whales at all, a few fatties maybe, but no true whales.

Monday, February 27, 2012

at church

We were staring at the bulletin board in the foyer, waiting for the sacrament to end so we could enter.  There were some EFY posters.  One of them was of a girl doing a bungee jumping type thing and above it was a picture of a family walking through some tall grass toward a temple.

b: "wow, that's really dangerous."
k: "the bungee jumping?"
b: "no, there could totally be snakes in that grass!"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Christmas Card

I thanked my sister and friend for making our Christmas card...Brad responded:

You forgot to thank the other most important people for making the card look fantastic, and that would be you and me. because when you are as hot as we are, really you could put anything around the picture and it would look good. But thanks Kera and Shandi too, and the boys for cooperating (sort of).

Monday, February 20, 2012


Me: let's watch HIMYM B: nah, how about you watch me play FIFA? Me: you won't watch Big Rich Texas with me so why would I watch you play FIFA? B: well, at least the soccer is realistic.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Brad holds up his hand and says, in a deep voice, "Hi.". Pause. "oh, wait, it's how." I laugh. Brad responds, "yeah, yesterday I thought Tommy Lee Jones was Bob Dole." I think the old age is catching up with him!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

at the hospital

I thought I had kidney stones and so we went to the emergency room:

me:  "do you think I'll be admitted?"

Brad: "No.  Committed maybe."

Chinese Food

"I think our car may be Chinese, not Japanese.  This take-out box fits perfectly in these square cup holders!"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

little miss muffett

little bo peep had lots of sheep, 
as white as curds and whey,
along came a Schneiter,
and sat down beside her,
and talked her ear away.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Grand Cayman is a British territory and as such, the drivers drive on the left.  While we were in GC, Brad kept turning on his windshield wipers instead of his turn signal when we was about to turn.  He said:

"The other day i tried to indicate a left turn with my windshield wipers and someone honked at me. I dont think the windshield wipers have the same meaning here in the states. In Cayman it means, this person may turn into on-coming trafic so watch out."